
NBC Friday at 10PM
Waited with baited breath for NBC's Constantine to premiere last night. Let me tell you it did not disappoint. As a fan of the 2005 movie, I figured it would be a very watered-down version of the film to play on TV. Boy, I'm glad I did not wager anything on that thought!! It far surpassed my wildest imagination, there was very realistic blood, gore, demons, etc... that you would only see on cable. Not that I'm a gore fest person because I just can not do zombies, can't. The brains and intestine eating just crosses my very thin line between horror and gross out. And to put the topping on the cake - the musical score was done by none other than . . . Bear McCreary. Does that man ever stop? No, please don't ever stop.
So, I guess by now you know that I loved, loved (did I say loved) Constantine and will be perched in front of the TV every Friday night at 10 pm on NBC! If you are a true horror buff that enjoys an intelligent storyline, the best musical scores and plenty of demons, you'll also be there, well maybe not right there on my couch.

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