Latest Crush

Ed Sheeran
My latest discovery from across the pond, albeit later than most, Ed Sheeran - Musical Genius.

I was casually flipping through my cable channels this past weekend while my husband was not at home looking for something interesting to watch. If he's here there are all these gross food channels where you watch people eat God knows what part of some animal and/or even animals while they are alive - YUCK! Sorry, I'll try not to speak Tangent as much as possible.

I came across "The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug" half way through the movie, but it looked interesting and since I love sci-fi, fantasy and such I took a chance. The movie was very good and, as is my common practice, I always watch the ending credits of every movie until there is no more sound or visual presence. (Note to self: watch the entire movie)

Suddenly this beautiful song came wafting across the room - it stopped me in my tracks and, of course, I had to see who, what, where this song originated from.
Google is my friend. Sometimes a scary friend that knows way too much about what I like and is probably really on the web cam streaming me across the galaxy. But when you want to find out more about a topic it's your BFF.

The song, 'I See Fire' blew me away - especially how it was conceived, written in about a day, the artist played all the instruments, except the cello - including the violin which he had never played before! Holy hell, I took violin lessons last year and my Russian teacher said that I was too tense and could not get a handle (no pun intended) the bow. I'll just stick to the guitar thank you very much.

Anyway, I am now rolling around all in anything Ed Sheeran. Thank the music gods for Amazon Prime! Must have music at work or I will completely nut up. For all the yanks out there 'nut up' means going bat-crap crazy. (that was cleaned up by the way).

Please check him out or you will miss out on wonderfulness.
#EdSheeran  @EdSheeran   

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